About DSPD


 The Utah Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) is a state-run program dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. This program is designed to provide comprehensive support and services, empowering individuals to lead fulfilling, self-determined lives. DSPD operates under the umbrella of the Utah Department of Human Services and plays a crucial role in promoting inclusivity and community integration for people with diverse abilities.

DSPD oversees a range of home and community-based services tailored to the unique needs of over 6,500 individuals with disabilities in Utah. These services include support for community living, facilitating day services, and offering assistance in supported employment. The program is committed to fostering independence, choice, and participation in community life for those it serves. DSPD strives to create a supportive environment that respects the dignity and autonomy of individuals with disabilities throughout the state of Utah.

Through its state and federally funded initiatives, DSPD addresses the diverse challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, recognizing the importance of personalized care and individualized support plans. By championing inclusivity and advocating for the rights of those with disabilities, the DSPD program contributes significantly to building a more accessible and compassionate community in Utah.

How it works

The Utah Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) operates through a collaborative and person-centered approach to ensure individuals with disabilities receive tailored support. The functioning of DSPD involves several key steps:

Individuals interested in DSPD services undergo an assessment to determine their eligibility. This evaluation considers various factors, including the nature and extent of the disability and the level of support required.

Once eligibility is established, DSPD works with the individual, their family, and other relevant parties to create an Individualized Service Plan (ISP). This plan outlines specific goals, preferences, and the types of services needed to support the individual's self-determined life.

DSPD assigns a service coordinator to each participant. This coordinator acts as a liaison, helping to coordinate and monitor the services outlined in the ISP. They work closely with service providers, families, and individuals to ensure that the chosen services align with the individual's needs and preferences.

DSPD offers a range of services tailored to the unique needs of each participant. This can include support for community living, day services, and assistance in finding and maintaining employment. The emphasis is on fostering independence, community integration, and enhancing the overall quality of life.

DSPD collaborates with a network of service providers, including community organizations and agencies, to deliver the identified services. These providers may offer various forms of assistance, from residential support to vocational training, depending on the individual's requirements.

The DSPD program regularly reviews and adjusts the Individualized Service Plan based on the individual's evolving needs and goals. This ensures that the support remains relevant and effective over time.

DSPD advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities and actively engages with the community to promote inclusivity. This involves working with various stakeholders to create a supportive and understanding environment.

In summary, DSPD functions by conducting thorough assessments, creating individualized service plans, coordinating services, collaborating with providers, and regularly reviewing and adjusting support to meet the changing needs of individuals with disabilities in Utah. The overarching goal is to empower individuals to lead self-determined lives while fostering community integration and inclusivity.


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